Developmental Stages and Milestones


1. Infancy (0-1 Year)

  • Social/Emotional Milestones:
    -Attachment to caregivers
    -Recognition of familiar faces
  • Strategies:
    -Responsive Caregiving: Encourage caregivers to respond promptly to infants'  needs to foster secure attachments.
    -Emotion Labeling: Use simple language to label emotions (e.g., "You look  happy!") during interactions.

2. Toddlerhood (1-3 Years)

  • Social/Emotional Milestones:
    -Beginning to express emotions verbally
    -Developing independence
  • Strategies:
    -Emotion Cards: Use cards with pictures of different emotions to help toddlers   identify and express their feelings.
    -Parallel Play: Encourage activities where toddlers play alongside peers to build  social   skills.

3. Early Childhood (3-6 Years)

  • Social/Emotional Milestones:
    Understanding of sharing and turn-taking
    Developing empathy
  • Strategies:
    -Role-Playing: Use role-playing games to practice empathy and social     interactions.
    -Story Time Discussions: Choose books that highlight emotions and discuss  characters' feelings with the class.

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